Most people know student debt is growing at an alarming rate. After completing high school, young inexperienced students are pressured to immediately enroll in a college or university. They enroll in educational programs without knowing the cost and likely believing a diploma is a ticket to a well-paying job.
Financial Aid counselors employed by the school tell these students that obtaining student loans is effortless. No one addresses the issue of how these debts will be repaid. The only goal presented is to take the required courses in order to get a better job. Besides, it is like getting free money! No one considers whether any jobs are available or how much a theoretical job might pay. Pursing the dream of this ideal career is the only thing that matters.
Do you want to meet with a licensed Nevada student loan attorney? Click here to schedule an appointment on Saturday morning. Or click here to schedule an appointment during regular office hours.
Please keep in mind that a student loan consultation costs $50.
Do you want to meet with a licensed Nevada student loan attorney? Click the button below to schedule an appointment on Saturday morning or during regular office hours.
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